We are excited to welcome a new Riis Academy Campus to the family. Riis Settlement is working with partner community organization Zone 126 to provide after-school programming to P.S. 111Q (The Jacob Blackwell School). P.S. 111Q is a Community School, so designated by the Mayor’s Office because it faces numerous challenges to achieving academic success and providing a safe environment for its students. Riis Academy will be providing this student body access to tutoring, academic and extracurricular enrichment activities.
Our highly-trained staff will use the nationally acclaimed Character Counts curriculum which helps to foster social and emotional skills in school-age children. Read alouds, journal-keeping and silent readings will be incorporated across the activity spectrum to build literacy skills. Math exercises are also infused into all activities and play a prominent role in our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) component. STEM terminology will be used to build literacy and vocabulary skills. Riis Settlement’s STEM curricula will reinforce “real world” skills and provoke critical thinking by encouraging young participants to ask why and investigate.
By providing youth leadership activities, academic activities and recreational time, along with additional supports from partnered providers such as English classes for parents and mental-health services for students and families, we expect to help the up and coming scholars at Riis Academy-C.S. 111 to become outstanding members of the Riis Academy community. Riis Academy-C.S. 111 is fortunate to have on staff Jamie Corrodus and Chris Anderson who will be in charge of directing programs for both the elementary and middle school programs.