A huge THANK YOU to everyone who supported our 2021 Annual Appeal campaign this past holiday season. Your generosity and support will sustain our efforts to build and strengthen the underserved communities of western Queens in 2022, and we are deeply appreciative.
In addition to the many generous individual donors who contributed to our recent annual appeal, we also want to thank the following private funders for their recent generous grants:
The Richard Davoud Donchian Foundation: A $5,000 grant to support our Immigrant Services’ ESOL program
The Mary J. Hutchins Foundation: A $10,000 grant to support general operations
United Neighborhood Houses (UNH): A $20,000 Settlement House Sustainability Fund grant to support the development of a new website
Rise Light & Power: A $37,500 grant to support general operations
The Charina Endowment Fund: A $150,000 three-year grant to support Riis’s programmatic (with a particular focus on programs for immigrant New Yorkers) and administrative operations
Our sincerest thanks to all the individual, private, and public funders who make our work possible.