We would like to offer our sincere gratitude to the following donors for their generosity and commitment to helping build Riis Settlement’s capacity to serve. Donations of this kind further the effectiveness of our various programs and allow us to continue investing in the future of our community.
With the help of these donors, Riis Settlement can give the local underserved residents of greater Western Queens greater opportunities for success. With these funds our College Access Program and leadership programs will serve more of our youth in need; our immigrant services will continue to provide much needed aid to our large and ever-growing immigrant population; and the services that afford our seniors a better quality of life will flourish.
Thank you to the following funders for helping us to enhance and enrich our programming:
General Support
We are grateful to the Barker Welfare Foundation for a $25,000 grant over two years.The Mary J. Hutchins Foundation has granted us a generous award of $35,000 and The Hyde and Watson Foundation awarded us $15,000.
A big thank you to City Councilmember, Jimmy Van Bramer who consistently gives generously in support of our programs and has recently given over $220,000 to support our youth, immigrants and seniors. In addition we greatly appreciate the Henry E. Niles Foundation for their $50,000 grant.
We thank the Lily Auchincloss Foundation for a grant of $30,000 over a two year period and The Solon E. Summerfield Foundation for a grant of $60,000.
We are grateful to TransCanada for a generous award of $30,000, to the Altman Foundation for their kind $40,0000 grant to support capacity building and we are proud to welcome a new funder, the Edward & Ellen Roche Relief Foundation who supported us with a grant of $10,000.
Senior Services
Thank you to City Councilmember Mark Weprin for a generous award of $131,000 in additional NNORC funding for a case manager and additional nursing hours at the senior center.
Riis Academy
Thank you to the Citi Foundation for a generous award of $30,000 in support of our College Access Program.
Thank you to Consolidated Edison for a generous award of $7,500 for our STEM and youth leadership programs.
Thank you to the Partnership for AfterSchool Education (PASE) for a $1,000 award for their Explorers program.
Immigrant Services
Thank you to City Councilmember, Costa Constantinides, for a generous award of $10,000 in discretionary funds for our immigrant services program.